How should NYC spend its money?

Take the Bronx People's Budget Survey from the Bronx-wide Coalition!

We want to hear from you.

The New York City Budget reflects the City’s priorities. We want to know what’s important to you and how you would allocate the budget to reflect your needs and priorities.

Bronx Mural

About the Project

The Bronx People’s Budget Survey is part of the work of the Bronx-wide Coalition to establish a community driven, comprehensive vision for economic development grounded in racial justice and economic democracy in our borough and city.

Image of the Bronx Borough Footprint

How to Stay Involved

Our borough-wide planning process is ongoing and we need your ideas and solutions to help shape the future of the Bronx!

To get involved in our planning process and connect to one of our member organizations in your neighborhood, fill out this form.

Fill out Google Form

To learn about upcoming events and other resources:

Visit our Linktree

Set the Budget

Take the Bronx People’s Budget Survey from the Bronx-wide Coalition